Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Cerise
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 1) #46, January 1992

Powers: Cerise is a Shi'ar warrior whose characteristics give her enhanced strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability. The average Shi'ar supposedly possesses Class 1 strength and 20 times better endurance than a human, but it's unknown how much variability the race has in these traits. Cerise also possesses the ability to fly and generate malleable fields of coherent light in the form of radiant red energy. She can shape her energy projections to form intangible flashes of bright light, solid battering rams, hollow force fields, floating platforms, among other things. Her personal battle suit is stored in a pocket dimension which she can access from her gloves, summoning it to appear over whatever she is wearing at the time. The suit allows her to survive in the vacuum of space and travel through hyperspace dimensions. It also contains a variety of sensor mechanisms, including energy detection, proximity sensors, inter-dimensional navigation, etc.

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