Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #229, May 1988

Powers: Gateway is a mutant and also a medicine man for his Australian Aboriginal tribe. He was well-versed in the quasi-mystical religion and practices of his people, including the "dream time". As a result, he possesses a wide range of powers and abilities not specifically attributed to either source. In either case, Gateway is capable of opening up portals between time, space and dimensions. He typically does this by whirling his bullroarer, but while his gateways sometimes materialized within the radius of the spinning rock, it is apparently not necessary for them to do so. The portals he opened can transport people to anywhere on the planet's surface, across decades of time, and into alternate planes of perception. It was through the last method that Gateway was able to visually show Wolverine how Magneto's "dark ego" infected Xavier's mind to create Onslaught.

Gateway has at least some form of telepathic perception and communication abilities. Although he rarely chooses to, he can speak aloud or mentally by projecting his thoughts at others. He is sensitive to the thoughts of others, and so always knew where the X-Men wanted to go when they were living in Australia with him, and when they wanted to be summoned home, despite not noticeably communicating with them in any way. Gateway can apparently perceive in advance any location to opens a portal to, a form of omni-clairvoyance which keeps him well informed about the past, present and future.

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