Sunday, May 16, 2021




Real Name: Mary Alice Walker
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #254, May 1988

Powers: Typhoid Mary is a mutant possessing telepathic, telekinetic, and pyrokinetic powers. She can subliminally coerce people into doing simple tasks (sleep, drop weapons, etc.) and is especially skilled at controlling men. She combines sexual and psionic manipulations to make them fall in love with her and willing to agree with or do whatever she says.

Mary Walker suffers from a bizarre form of dissociative identity disorder and her differing personalities often struggle for dominance over one another. "Mary" is a caring, but weak-willed and fragile woman with epilepsy; "Typhoid" is a homicidal seductress with a continual fever; "Bloody Mary" is a misandrist crusading feminist, and the little seen "Walker" is a strong, integrated personality capable of holding the others at bay when active. Bloody Mary is the strongest telekinetic of the personalities while Typhoid uses the pyrokinesis and manipulation powers most often. Each personality has a unique metabolic signature, altering Mary's heartbeat rate, pulse, respiration, body temperature, alpha waves, electroencephalogram patterns, biorhythms, and even her bodily scent in such a way that even Daredevil's superhuman senses couldn't discern that Mary and Typhoid were the same woman.

Typhoid Mary is a highly formidable hand-to-hand combatant, possessing great agility and is highly skilled in wielding and hurling bladed weapons. She typically carries machetes and knives as weapons.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Though more familiar in the pages of Daredevil, Typhoid Mary’s mutant status was confirmed in Avengers Initiative (Vol. 1) #5, October 2007 during World War Hulk. When she was called "Mutant Zero", it was revealed that she was a mutant.