Saturday, May 8, 2021




Real Name: Kara Kilgrave
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #41, December 1986

Powers: Kara Kilgrave (formerly known as both the Purple Girl & Persuasion) uses a combination of bio-chemical and psionic abilities to control others.

Her mutant power constantly produces benign pheromone molecules into her environment, which are inhaled and metabolized by virtually everyone in her close proximity. These pheromones have no effect on anyone until she mentally triggers them to activate in a specific person. This causes her victim to lose all will power and makes their skin turn purple as a side-effect of her power. Once under her control, Persuasion's victims are incapable of independent action -- left alone, they will simply stand stark still waiting for her instructions. They also can only be ordered about: Their minds and thoughts cannot be altered by her power. So while Kara can say "hit him" or "fly me to this location", her command to Northstar of "Be my boyfriend" elicited no response. Persuasion has also demonstrated a mind-tap power, allowing her to link her consciousness with the mind of anyone being affected by her pheromones. This allows her to enter their mind and communicate with them on their personal psychic plane.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

The Purple Man (Zebediah Kilgrave) is her father.

Though neither of her parents were mutants, she inherited her father’s purple flesh tone and powers on her own individual mutant x-gene at puberty.