Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #283, December 1991

Powers: The Gamesmaster is an omnipath, possessing wide-range mutant telepathic powers which keep him in constant contact with virtually every sentient mind on the planet. Only through practice and discipline has he learned to focus on perceiving individual people and their thoughts, or even to hear himself think at all.

He can communicate psionically with anyone on the face of the planet, and can also control their thoughts and actions as well. Gamesmaster can force people into a trance-like state, unconsciousness, manipulate them like puppets to speak through their voices and make their bodies act as an extension of his own, or dramatically alter their memories and beliefs. He can project his stylized "Gamesmaster" astral image anywhere in the world to signify his focus when speaking to someone.

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