Friday, May 7, 2021




Real Name: John Greycrow
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #211, November 1986

Powers: Scalphunter is a mutant whose abilities went unspecified for quite some time. Though self-stated to be a mutant early on, no specific power was attributed to him.

It was long-assumed that it may be enhanced senses, or perhaps an intuitive power like Forge or a technoforming power like Madison Jeffries, given the way he would quickly assemble various weapons and devices from the components on his jumpsuit. Evidence indicates that this power allows him to manipulate mechanical components, assembling them into a variety of different configurations by modifying their shape and construction. He wears a costume that gives him easy access to a wide variety of components to manipulate. He regularly assembles a wide variety of firearms and projectile weapons from his vest, and the accompanying ammunition.

In recent years, however, it has been shown that he possesses a retarded aging process and hyper-regenerative powers, letting him regenerate lost limbs and recover from multiple fatal gunshot wounds without lasting injury.

A former United States soldier, he is an uncanny marksman, a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, an experienced pilot, and an extraordinary master of conventional weaponry (including pistols, rifles, Uzis, shotguns, laser guns, miniature cannons, flamethrowers, knives, and grenade launchers).

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