Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #282, November 1991

Powers: Bantam is a mutant whose physical mutation has granted him a short misshapen green-skinned appearance. His mutant power has been described as anything from "trans-temporal awareness" to being a "chronal anchor", but it remains unclear what either of those actually mean.

Presumably, he is sensitive to the biological energy emissions of other superhumans, allowing him to locate the site where the energy was released and catalogue its presence from then on.

It has been mentioned that him tethering his power to that of Trevor Fitzroy allowed the latter to maintain greater accuracy for his portal-jumps through time in addition to space. Bantam's powers also allowed him to catalogue these various portals, mentally keeping track of which ones remained and where they opened to.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

When Fitzroy escaped XSE prison, Bantam was the first inmate he freed.
Since bio-temporal displacement is impossible without an anchor, Bantam’s power created a need for Fitzroy to make him his slave.