Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #236, September 1988

Powers: Wipeout possessed the mutant ability to create self-perpetuating energy bursts that operated on a biological level. Focusing his energy on superhumans removes the mental circuits that allow them access to their powers. Primarily, he used his power on fellow mutants, creating an energy "blockage" in their system that prevented bio-genetic power from properly traveling from their x-gene to the rest of their system, preventing mutants from using their abilities.

This power block lasted indefinitely and required no concentration to maintain. Affected mutants stayed powerless after Wipeout fell asleep and even after he was killed. He could mentally remove his energy from their systems at will if he chose to, reactivating their powers. His power could also affect memories. When he first attempted to use his power on sentient technology, however, it created a disruption effect instead of removal.

Wipeout was a member of the Genoshan Magistrates, law enforcement officers trained in hand-to-hand combat with access to a vast amount of advanced weaponry and equipment. He was a member of an elite group of Magistrates known as the Genoshan Press Gang, mutants who voluntarily chose to serve the Genoshan government, and so avoided undergoing the Mutate Bonding Process which would turn them into mindless slaves.

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