Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Teresa Lopez
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #19, December 1989

Powers: La Bandera is a mutant with the power of empathic energy conduction.

Described as having "the power to inspire", an intuitive psionic ability which somehow creates positive group synergy among nearby people. La Bandera was able to rally people to her cause, providing the inspiration for revolution and group activity against the drug cartels and dictators she targeted. The exact effect of her power was not quantified, but it influenced people to come together under her banner, work as a unit towards a common goal, etc. The extent of the influence she could exert over other people, conscious or otherwise, was never confirmed. It was not total mind control, as people needed to be predisposed towards her cause or charisma for it to function. It could also falter, with people losing faith in the midst of a conflict if events turned too sorely against them.

When her power was in action, La Bandera could offensively channel the ambient empathic energy she cultivated. Using her staff as a conduit, she focused blasts of concussive energy. This aspect of her powers relied upon the faith of others: she could not fire blasts when she was alone, or when those she inspired lost faith in the cause or her leadership.

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