Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #4, February 1989

Powers: Bloodscream is a man born in the 16th century cursed with immortality and certain vampiric qualities. He possesses a superhuman level of strength, near-tireless stamina, and cannot be killed by any steel nor weapon forged by mortal hands. So, while he may suffer from injuries, they quickly regenerate and none can cause him permanent harm, no matter how severe. Even if he is attacked by an immortal or alien weapon, his hyper-regenerative powers can still help him recover.

He has certain extra-sensory powers, allowing him to detect mystical energies and see the truth about a person's "aura". He can tell when someone is lying, what sort of mood they are in, and how strong or weak they are feeling at the moment. Bloodscream survives by imbibing on blood from human bodies. Unlike a true vampire, however, he needn't bite his victims but can drain the blood directly out through their skin with physical contact. His touch can completely exsanguinate victims in a matter of moments. If he chooses not to completely drain them, his victims remain psychically linked to him from then on. Bloodscream can then track them over vast distances and exert some amount of influence over their minds, even completely controlling the actions of weaker minds. He also gains a level of resistance to a victim's psychic powers if they possess any, Karma was able to control him with her mind control power once, but after he had tasted her blood Bloodscream was able to fight off the effect. He also has an inhuman secondary appearance which he uses rarely: In this state all his teeth elongate into razor sharp fangs, his lower jaws distends to more than five times its normal length, and his arms and fingernails stretch as well.

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