Monday, May 24, 2021




Real Names: Kristina Anderson (Thumbelina); Christopher Anderson (Slab)
First Appearances: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990 (Thumbelina); X-Factor (Vol. 1) #74, January 1992 (Slab)

Powers: Thumbelina and Slab are mutant siblings born with size-changing abilities.

Thumbelina has the mutant power to compress her molecules into a smaller physical frame, enabling her to decrease her size and mass while proportionately increasing her strength and density. She can shrink to as small as a half-inch tall and back to her regular form at will.

Slab is a mutant who possesses enhanced strength and durability. He is capable of expanding his body to at least 2-3 times his normal size, increasing his strength and durability further in the process. He reaches at least Class 50 strength when at his growth limit.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

They’re from Detroit, though Slab was depicted as Russian/Eastern European in the cartoon.