Sunday, May 16, 2021




First Appearance: Excalibur Special Edition (Vol. 1) #1, April 1988

Traits: The Warwolves are a race of sentient lupine/humanoid hybrid servants created through genetic engineering by Mojoworld scientists under the supervision of Mojo, Mojoworld’s ruler.

They can stand erect on their hind legs or walk and run on all fours. They have slick, smooth skin and sharp claws on each paw, the front of which have four fingers and an opposable thumb and can be used as hands or feet, while their hind paws have three toes with no thumb. They are immune to direct psychic attacks (like telepathy and telekinesis), can track prey by scent, have great leaping abilities, and can withstand great injury even when their malleable bodies have been damaged. The Warwolves can drain the life force of their victims, causing their skeletons and internal organs to dissolve, leaving behind their intact skin, which the Warwolves can then wear, changing their shape to match that of the victims. They can also mimic the voices of their victims, and those of others.

The Warwolves are ruthless hunters with a strong sense of humor who constantly bicker with one another. Each has a great fondness for televised entertainment and movies. Working together, multiple Warwolves can psionically create interdimensional portals and merge into a single being while retaining individual heads and psyches.

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