Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Bennet du Paris
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #92, July 1993

Powers: Exodus’ mutant power is psionic in nature. He can siphon psionic energy from various sources such as another person’s life-force, heightened emotional state, and/or even from his own personal convictions. He then metabolizes that psionic energy to saturate his body with a wide range of enhanced superhuman powers. Exodus can also absorb psionic energy directly, such as when he fed off of Nate Grey's telepathic and telekinetic assaults during a battle.

Among the powers he has demonstrated thus far include superhuman strength, speed, endurance and reflexes, invulnerability, telepathy, telekinesis (omega-level), interplanetary teleportation, flight, the ability to generate force fields for protection or to obliterate anything that touches them, and both psionic and plasmic blasts of energy. Some sources also suggest his physical strength, endurance, and invulnerability also increase at times, but there could be a psionic base behind that as well.

His greatest display of power consisted of psionically amplifying Genoshan Mutates' hatred of humans, attempting to crush the island nation of Genosha with a massive telekinetic force field, immobilizing Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, Crystal Maximoff, and Jean Grey in another force field, mentally resisting Professor X's telepathic control, and protecting himself from physical attacks all while single-handedly battling both the X-Men and the Avengers.

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