Sunday, May 16, 2021




Real Name: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
First Appearance: Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #36, March 1988

Powers: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln, nicknamed "Tombstone" for his deathly parlor, is an African-American albino who turned to mob work and assassination. He is very strong (naturally so), adept with conventional firearms, and is a skilled street fighter who specializes in strangulation. During an encounter with Spider-Man, he was exposed to an experimental gas known as Diox-3 which was absorbed into his bloodstream and created a mutagenic reaction.

This gave his skin a granite-like structure, endowing him with superhuman strength (nearly class 10), endurance, reflexes, and substantial resistance to physical injury. His skin is bulletproof, highly resistant to temperature extremes (from -80° Fahrenheit to 1,200° Fahrenheit), and somewhat insulated from electricity. He also has a disfigured nose, damaged vocal cords limiting his speech to whispers, and had all of his teeth filed into razor-sharp points.

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