Tuesday, May 4, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #4, May 1986

Powers: Timeshadow’s mutant power enables him to physically manifest himself anywhere within the probable space/time range of about five seconds. As a five second time-slider, he's able to move about freely within the given area of space he could conceivably reach within five seconds. Thus, he can move from one location to another instantaneously, "sliding" from where he was now to anywhere he could have been a few seconds later. This wasn't technically teleportation as the blur of motion which accompanied his movement from one place to another suggested he was still physically moving through space. Timeshadow could remain standing physically still, and "slide" across the room in an instant, relocating to dodge attacks or block people from escaping. He could give the illusion of super-speed, rapidly skipping forward through time and space so that he covered expansive distances in less than 1/5 of the time it would normally take him. Because of the nature of his power, he doesn't actually move physically for either of these: His body will just "slide" in a blur of multiple images to his new location.

Timeshadow could also bend quantum probability with his power, taking multiple routes into the future simultaneously. This allowed him to create "phase-forms", effectively duplicating himself as he appeared in several locations he could conceivably reach within five seconds at once. It was unclear exactly how many divergent paths he could take at once (i.e., how many phase-form duplicates he could create), or how long he could maintain these phase-forms before collapsing his probabilities back into a single march towards the future (one body). On one occasion, Timeshadow also demonstrating a vanishing power. This was apparently achieved by phasing out of sync with time altogether for up to five seconds, skipping forward in time by a few moments. This happened when his phase-forms had surrounded Marvel Girl, and she unleashed a telekinetic blast in all directions to knock all of him over. Instead, all of Timeshadow vanished a moment before impact, and re-materialized behind her a moment after the attack, catching Jean by surprise.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He hasn’t appeared since the 1980s. But he appeared enough times and demonstrated usage of his powers enough for me to go to town on it.

All we know of his backstory was that he was a US Army soldier in Vietnam who got addicted to heroin out there. He was then sent to an Army rehab center where he met fellow soldier Michael Nowlan.

Shaking hands with Nowlan (a mutant with the power to boost other mutants powers) caused Timeshadow’s power to manifest.

I say bring him to Krakoa and give him a real name. Hickman's meticulous AF and can find some way to expand on his power usefully.