Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Joshua Foley
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #5, November 2003

Powers: Elixir is an omega-level mutant with the ability to manipulate organic matter on a sub-molecular level. Mostly, he was originally limited to using his power for healing purposes. By focusing on himself or on someone else he's touching, Elixir can rebuild damaged tissue and heal all kinds of injuries, from minor to fatal. He does not need to understand what he's doing on a practical level, only focus on what he's generally trying to do. For instance, he was able to remove the neutralizer block on Wolfsbane's powers and awaken Magma out of a deep coma without understanding what his power was actually doing to them to accomplish this.

After nearly dying himself once, Elixir healed himself in a burst of energy that for some reason turned his skin golden in color with a flexible metallic texture. Later, extreme emotions caused him to manifest his powers offensively, creating an effect on contact which made flesh bubble and grow putrid, causing tremendous pain and disfigurement in his victims, and ultimately killing them if he wished. It wasn't clear whether he was directly affecting the organic molecules or causing naturally-occurring bacteria and germ agents to replicate beyond the human body's ability to cope. Furthermore, using his power in this manner caused his golden skin to turn deathly black.

He later recovered and returned to his golden complexion, but patches of a dark, mercury-like substance remained on his flesh, moving about on his skin as if they had a will of their own. Elixir later gained greater knowledge on how to use his powers, by asking the Cuckoos to draw medical knowledge out of Hank McCoy's mind and into his own. Elixir became skilled enough to create an entirely new heart in in another man's body and restore him to life, after the man's old heart was ripped out of his chest. His powers can also restore him to life, even after fatal injuries.

At his present skill level, he can
repair existing tissue or regrow lost tissue out of ambient molecules, manipulate biological functions to force sleep and other reactions, extract microorganisms or nano-viruses from living systems, induce cancers, tumors, and other bio-hazards and pathogens, and even raise the dead.

Elixir was self-taught to Ph.D. levels in biochemistry and also has extensive knowledge of genetics and other scientific fields.

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