Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Fallen Angels (Vol. 1) #1, April 1987

Powers: Chance has the mutant ability to either augment or inhibit the powers of other mutants in her vicinity. Her power operates by generating invisible fields of mutagenic energy within a radius of at least 100 feet, affecting any and all mutants within that field. The augmenting aspect of her power roughly doubles the power of affected mutants (example: Sunspot became twice as strong, Multiple Man multiplied by 4 instead of by 2, etc.), and her negating aspect causes affected mutants' powers to cease functioning altogether.

Both effects last for as long as Chance concentrates on maintaining her energy field and cease when she deactivates the field or the mutant moves out of her range. Her power does not affect mechanically-empowered people such as cyborgs Gomi and Bill, but whether she can affect artificially mutated humans or strictly biological super-beings is unrevealed.

A experienced and formidable street fighter, Chance is a natural acrobat and a skilled knife fighter, usually carrying one or two small concealed blades.

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