Friday, May 14, 2021




Real Name: Martin Fletcher
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #215, March 1987

Powers: The Super Sabre possessed the mutant ability to think and move at superhuman speeds. He was capable of reaching at least supersonic speeds (over 700 mph) and was physically adapted to the rigors of super-speed. The complimentary physical mutations for his power gave him the ability to lift several hundred pounds with his upper body, and marked his legs as originally having at least Class 1 strength. His durability allowed him to resist the adverse effects of air friction, of striking the ground with intense force while running, and he had a unique lubrication in his eyes that prevent them from drying out at high speed. His joints are also specially lubricated to make them move faster and with more fluidity than normal. The Super Sabre's body didn't produce fatigue poisons as normal humans do. In his youth, his metabolism was almost four times as efficient as a normal person's and gave him phenomenal stamina endurance. His advanced age weakened his overall speed and stamina, however.

His perceptual abilities and reflexes were enhanced as well, enabling him to properly recognize sights and sounds in his environment even while moving at his top speeds. He was capable of a number of feats, such as dodging bullets, speed-reading, running across the surface of water or up vertical inclines, and just generally performing different actions far faster than the human eye can follow.

The Super Sabre also perfected certain applications of super-speed that he used in combat. By snapping his fingers at the speed of sound next to an opponent’s ear, he could create a micro-sonic boom that temporarily disrupted the inner ear, rendering them unconscious or disrupting their sense of balance. He also utilized what he referred to as the “Mach-One Punch”, which involved him striking empty air hundreds of times in a few seconds at high speeds. This builds up a pocket of air pressure that explodes in front of his opponent as a compressed discharge.

Martin Fletcher was trained in the US military and fought during World War II. He was well-versed in both armed and unarmed combat.

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