Wednesday, May 12, 2021




Real Name: Whitman Knapp
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #43, February 1987

Powers: Manikin is a mutant able to access the Mindwell, an extra-dimensional pocket realm that represents the evolutionary development of the human species. By connecting with the Mindwell, Manikin could summon “evo-matter” into our dimension, manifesting living beings that represented humanity at different points in its evolution from the primordial state. These others were not actual people or beings plucked from the past or future, but avatars representing the development of humanity in general. They also had only very limited self-direction abilities, requiring Manikin (aka the “Prime Unit”) to command them in battle. Manikin would typically manifest three evolutionary counterparts of himself known as Proto, Apeman, and Highbrow, although he may have had the potential to create more.

Proto was a small blob of proemial organic matter, constantly shifting in shape and dimensions. “He” could extend pseudopods and prehensile tentacles to grab and manipulate matter from a distance, and produced a molecular acid that would break down matter and dissolve it on contact.

Apeman represented Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, a caveman with naturally greater than human strength and agility.

Highbrow represented the future of humanity, with hyper-developed psionic potential. He was able to probe the surrounding area for thought patterns, levitate himself and others, generate psionic force as energy blasts or protective shields, and teleport himself and others over several miles. He wears specialized eyeglasses that extend his vision beyond the range of the spectrum perceptible by normal humans. He also wears computer circuits on his limbs and clothing.

After Manikin was seriously injured fighting the Jackal, the others appeared to him in the Mindwell and sacrificed their existence to accelerate his recuperation. Manikin was apparently left powerless for a few months afterwards, but soon learned his ability had merely mutated. Instead of manifesting his counterparts externally, Manikin can now physically transform himself into one of his others at a time.

Dr. Whitman Knapp holds an M.D. with a concentration in surgery.

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