Wednesday, May 12, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #15, April 1987 (as Ship); X-Force (Vol. 1) #8, March 1992 (as Professor); X-Force (Vol. 1) #39, October 1994 (as Prosh)

Powers: The being known as Prosh was originally an exploratory craft created by the extraterrestrial Celestials that was sent to Earth to record the planet's history. It landed in Mongolia during the 12th century where it was found by a nomadic tribe led by the mutant External Garbha-Hsien (later known as Saul). Garbha-Hsien was later bested by a fellow mutant External known as En Sabah Nur, who took control of the craft. Over the following centuries, the Nur merged with the vessel's technology and became Apocalypse while the craft's programming evolved into a sentient artificial intelligence calling itself "Ship".

As the Celestial ship, it was capable of techno-forming itself, changing its internal or external technological structure to match the needs of the passengers, or Ship itself. It could incorporate additional matter into its physical frame. It also contains vast amounts of information stored in its data-banks, mass and proximity sensors alerting it to potential threats, and wide-spectrum analytical scanning allowing it to monitor the life-signs of other beings, scan them for weaknesses, provide tactical suggestions, etc. When Apocalypse infected Ship with a techno-virus that wildly animated Ship and placed it under Apocalypse's control again, Ship resisted, launched itself into space and exploded. However, in the final nanoseconds before the explosion, Ship managed to download the core elements of its A.I. into a luminescent electromagnetic energy survival module. When Cyclops' son, Nathan Summers, was infected with a similar virus, Ship merged its substance with Nathan's in order to stave off the effects of the virus. When Nathan was transported to the future of Earth-4935 for treatment, Ship went with and his consciousness was rendered dormant.

Over a decade after their arrival, the teenaged Nathan met a fellow mutant telepath named Blaquesmith who helped train him and awakened Ship's consciousness, which now adopted the name Professor. The Professor was directly interfaced with Nathan's techno-organic parts, integrating itself into his mind and body. The Professor was able to monitor Nathan's bio-signs and access his powers to regulate the techno-organic virus for him. It was linked to various sensor systems, could access any other technology which Nathan (as Cable) had incorporated into his techno-organics, including the bodyslide teleportation equipment. The Professor was later transferred into the data-banks of Greymalkin, a massive space station Cable had brought back in time with him, which were later co-opted by Magneto into Avalon. Cable rescued the Professor's programming, and brought it back to Earth to install it in X-Force's Camp Verde computer system.

When a member of the techno-organic Phalanx attempted to override the Camp Verde computer system, its programming was overwhelmed by the Professor, which assimilated and bonded with the Phalanx drone, receiving the basic capabilities of that species as well. Now possessing an individual techno-organic body, it changed its name to "Prosh", a portmanteau of "Professor" and "Ship".

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