Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Absolon Zebardyn Mercator
First Appearance: District X (Vol. 1) #2, August 2004

Powers: Mister M’s mutant power is absolute control over molecular structures, enabling him to perform any conceivable feat.

An omega-level mutant, he used his power to heal living beings of mental and physical illnesses, produce energy blasts of heat, force, electricity, and nuclear energy, become intangible, genetically transform mutants into humans and even negate or augment mutant powers, generate simulacra of living beings, create force fields, levitate himself and other objects, survive massive injuries, create spontaneous nuclear reactions, repair damaged machinery, evolve life forms, and painfully or lethally scramble organic molecules.

He can turn an opponent inside-out, or exhibit sufficient control over his own molecular structure in order to reach into their chest with an intangible hand and stop their heart. His mind gives off a field of psionic static, making him immune to telepathic probing and creating painful feedback/severe disorientation for any telepath attempting to do so.

His head is crowned with a cluster of tentacles which he typically conceals beneath a fedora. Despite lacking any formal education, Mister M was an avid reader and a self taught authority on a wide variety of subjects.

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