Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Richard Gill
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Wildside’s mutant power is to generate a psionic distortion wave which can alter people's perceptions of reality. The earliest use of his power was to make himself and his teammates undetectable by human senses. Though it can be used passively, his power can also offensively scramble the senses of others, creating mind-warping hallucinations that make his opponents incapable of properly receiving information from their senses, driving them to the brink of madness or rendering them insensate, virtually comatose and unable to respond to the real world.

Wildside's mutation also granted him enhanced agility, reflexes, senses, untamed hair, pointed ears and canine teeth, and natural claws on each finger. Upon joining the Weapon X Program, Wildside's hands were replaced with morphing cybernetic components, which shifted between normal fingers and razor sharp claws on command.

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