Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Fallen Angels (Vol. 1) #2, May 1987

Powers: An extraterrestrial human mutant from the club-dominated planet of Coconut Grove, Ariel had a hyper-persuasive power, focused through her voice. This enabled her to manipulate people, making them more inclined to believe whatever she said or do whatever she told them to. Her power seemed to be based on the amount of talking she did, presumably because the more she spoke the more her victim was exposed to the subliminal signals in her voice. As a result, saying something curtly like "Give me the apple" or "Go through that door" would be only minutely more effective for her than for other people. Her power required her to weave a story or concoct a circular logic loop to present to her target, which they'll end up believing even if it's nonsense when examined closely.

In addition, Ariel has the natural transportation power of the people native to her planet, allowing her to sub-spatially connect one portal to another across vast distances. By concentrating on a distant location before opening a portal, Ariel can cause said portal to lead to some other building, city, or even planet for as long as it remains open. Her power is not limited to places she has been before, as she was able to access X-Factor headquarters just by focusing on the idea of them having a storage closet with a closed door somewhere on the premises.

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