Monday, May 24, 2021




Real Name: Roderick Campbell
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual (Vol. 1) #23, July 1990

Powers: Ahab is the Earth-811 counterpart of Dr. Roderick “Rory” Campbell. He was bionically-enhanced in his native timeline with cybernetic limbs which augment his strength, durability, and reflexes. He can tap his own life-force to create psychic harpoons and key them to a specific target, disrupting their neural pathways in order to stun, paralyze or kill others. His harpoons can also transform his victims into Hounds keyed to their progeny's genetic "scent". Lastly, he can access a cross-temporal pocket laboratory and able to travel through space-time via that location. Becoming Famine after being genetically altered by Apocalypse gave him the ability to emaciate opponents by draining their life energy.

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