Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Zhao Tang (Auric) & Jhimon Tang (Silver)
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #76, November 1989 (both)

Powers: Auric and Silver are fraternal twin siblings with the mutant powers of self-propelled flight and projecting energy discharges from their eyes.

Auric’s mutant ability is to bodily generate thermal energy and discharge it through his eyes. The released energy acted as a molecular agitator beam, inducing intense heat in his targets to cause various effects including combustion, melting, or even sublimation at high levels. He was also capable of self-propelled flight, presumably by riding the thermal updrafts generated by his power.

Silver’s mutant ability is to bodily generate sub-zero energy and discharge it through her eyes. The released energy reduced molecular motion, draining thermal energy to create intense cold. Her eye beams frequently froze the water vapor in the atmosphere, creating thick layers of ice around her targets. She was also capable of self-propelled flight.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

They’re Chinese mutants recruited to be part of China Force, gov’t sanctioned super-powered operatives.

They died and were resurrected as a composite being (one that hasn’t been seen since around the end of the first Alpha Flight series) long before M-Day happened.