Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Name: N'astirh
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #32, September 1988

Powers: N'astirh is a demon spawned in the pits of Limbo, an eternal dimension where stepping disks connect different points in space and time. It is distinct and separate from Immortus' Limbo.

He possesses extensive knowledge of black magic gained through his study of Belasco's principal book of sorcery. As such, he can skillfully manipulate mystical energy for a variety of effects. He could cast scrying pools to view distant events, animate and rearrange molecules structures, fire bolts of eldritch energy and cast containment fields, override the willpower of sentient beings, increase his size and strength, regenerate his injuries, summon forth evil within humans to transmogrify living beings into demonic or unnatural states, and fly with his own wings.

After being infected with the Transmode Virus, he became a being composed of malleable living circuitry. However, his magical prowess allowed him to harness it for his own purposes, changing into a powerful techno-organic being with bio-mechanical regenerative powers and the ability to infect others with the Transmode virus. He could shape-shift into any form he could imagine: He could disguise himself, grow to immense size, or mimic the function of any machine.

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