Tuesday, May 4, 2021




Real Name: Ulysses X. Lugman
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #324, December 1986

Powers: No superhuman powers, he is a baseline human. The Slug is a drug kingpin and criminal organizer who owns and presides over several legal businesses. A gifted intellect, he is a master strategist with a keen business acumen and the ability to lead through intimidation and reward. His high percentage of body fat allows him to float effortlessly in water and his metabolism grants him limited immunity to drugs and poisons.

He has an extremely long torso, making his limbs appear stunted. He has extremely light-sensitive eyes, causing him to wear shaded eyeglasses at virtually all times. He is extraordinarily obese to the point where he is unable to support his own weight by standing or move his body mass under his own power. For transportation, he uses a custom-designed electric wheelchair/forklift with tank treads. He needs to consume vast quantities of food and liquid every day and eats during most of his waking moments.

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