Tuesday, May 4, 2021




Real Name: Lionel Jeffries
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #30, January 1986

Powers: Dr. Lionel Jeffries (aka Scramble the Mixed Up Man) is the older brother of Madison Jeffries. Like his brother, he is a mutant with transmutative powers.

His mutant power is the ability to morph and restructure all manner organic substances on a molecular level upon physical contact. By focusing on the person he's touching, Scramble could rebuild damaged tissue and heal various forms of physical injuries, from minor to near-fatal. His power could not restore the dead, a fact that caused him to suffer a psychological breakdown for at least a decade. Originally, he could not affect himself with his own powers, however an encounter with his brother and the interaction of their powers allowed Scramble to repair his disordered brain. He could now use his powers on himself as well as heal mental damage in others and himself.

He can restrain someone by fusing their limbs together into a single mass, or he can transform people into horribly disfigured monsters. When Scramble conceived of the idea of fusing himself with Roger Bochs, the two of them became Omega. Morphed into a solid mass of flesh, Omega combined Scramble's transmutative abilities with Bochs' imagination and creativity, but Jeffries was the dominant mind and soon "killed" Roger's consciousness while retaining his skills. Omega was a massive creature that had absorbed corpses and random pieces of dead flesh to become an enormous and ever-shifting blob. Manipulating his mass allowed Omega to extend tentacles or spikes of various shapes and lengths. He could identify dormant superhuman potential in others and approximately sense his brother's location if he was nearby.

Dr. Lionel Jeffries was a genius-level intellect who held an M.D. with a specialty in surgery. He was a combat medic specialist with the United States Army where he underwent armed/unarmed combat training and patient care, and later joined the United States Army Medical Corps. He was an expert surgeon, a skill which was greatly enhanced by his mutant power. He was also an FRCSC (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada).

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