Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Jubilation Lee
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #244, May 1989

Powers: Jubilee's mutant power is to generate and control explosive energy as articulate, quasi-animate transitory plasmoids (or "PAFS"), which take the form of randomly-colored globules and streamers making them resemble fireworks. Jubilee's power discharge generates light, and she can modify the intensity to light up a room or temporarily blind her opponents. The plasmoids are explosive, and when they impact they give off heat and force to damage her chosen target, again at a varying intensity she mentally determines. Although Jubilee can absorb her plasmoids back into her body without harm, her eyes are not immune to the effect of her power and she typically wears large sunglasses to protect her vision.

Jubilee also has the capacity for detonating matter at a molecular level, atomizing targets and producing even more powerful explosions. This power effect is created by projecting plasmoids which interact with the molecules of the object they penetrate, spreading their volatile instability so that the entire object explodes through a chain reaction along with the plasmoids. Jubilee was implied to have certain telepathic potential, psi-shields which made her thoughts slippery, and rendered her almost invisible to telepaths who didn't know what precisely to detect.

After losing her powers on M-Day, Jubilee adopted the guise of "Wondra" and used a set of "wonder gloves", apparently reverse-engineered from those used by the Wingless Wizard. The gloves presumably used applied graviton and anti-graviton technology to simulate superhuman strength by negating gravitational force, they allow her to lift between 30-40 tons, and amplified and directed G-forces give her an equally powerful punch. The original wonder gloves had several other powers, such as projecting concussive force blasts and electricity or generating force fields, but it's unclear whether Jubilee has these powers as well. Like all members of the new New Warriors, Jubilee has a utility belt with cartridges containing Pym Particles for reducing opponents down to size or impact webbing for quickly wrapping up and restraining felons. Her suit can also generate an anti-gravity platform for flight and propulsion, and contains a "Ghost Mode" that renders her intangible and utterly unaffected by physical assaults. Night Thrasher was able to remotely trigger the ghost circuitry, but it is unknown if he has given independent control of the ability to his teammates as well.

Later, Jubilee was transformed into a vampire. Like all vampires, she is vulnerable to direct exposure to sunlight and requires a regular diet of blood to stay active. By taking regular doses of Wolverine's healing factor enhanced blood, she can keep her bloodlust at a manageable level. Jubilee possesses a superhuman level of strength, speed, and reflexes, and is virtually impervious to harm besides the typical vampire weaknesses (direct sunlight, garlic, silver, and religious symbols). She also briefly demonstrated the ability to change into a cloud of intangible mist, but had yet to demonstrate the full range of vampiric abilities at the time her death. Later, Quentin Quire used the Phoenix Force to bring her back to life with her mutant powers restored.

Jubilee is a highly skilled gymnast and rollerblader, possesses fair hand-to-hand combat experience, and thieving skills. She is also dyscalculic, having great difficulty performing mathematical calculations, mental and physical.

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