Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Name: Garrison Kane
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #2, September 1991

Powers: Garrison Kane was a mercenary working with Cable's Six Pack until an explosion cost him his arms and legs, rendering him an amputee. He was recruited into the new Weapon X Program and outfitted with new cybernetic limbs, as well as a series of additional enhancements. During this time, he operated under the code name “Weapon X”.

Kane's bionic limbs were supported by his reinforced spine, giving him superhuman strength, running speed, stamina, and reaction time. His left eye was replaced with a cybernetic supplement, giving him infrared vision and the ability to replay his memories in open air as holographic audio-visual tracks. An on-board tactical computer was built into his brain to help govern his cybernetic parts, a personal GPS beacon, strategic recommendations, and provide him with information courtesy of a pre-programmed library of facts considered relevant to his duties, including profiles on various superhumans and terrorists. His hands could be detached and fired as remote-controlled rocket projectiles, allowing him to both punch and strangle his opponents from a distance. He could discharge plasma blasts from his wrist sockets, or cycle on a wire-guided connection to his flying fists, allowing him to conduct an electrified taser charge through his arms, the wire, and ultimately into whatever target his launched hands were holding on to.

Kane underwent an upgrade after leaving the Weapon X program, and another with 40th century technology after he was injured fighting alongside Cable, who brought him into his native future for repairs. Kane could now regenerate and repair his mechanical parts and produce a synth-organic shell over his bionic limbs. Basically, synthetic organic flesh that disguised the metallic parts. He could extend a shield from his hand like a fan, with the disk unfolding around his fist from four extensions. He also demonstrated finger blasters and laser targeting pods that popped out of his shoulders.

Kane would be upgraded again by the current Weapon X Program. He now had polymorphic metal components, allowing him to reshape his limbs into different weapons at will, including energy projectors, automatic machine guns, and mono-molecular blades strong enough to sever the binding forces between molecules. Another upgrade expanded his range of potential abilities even further, allowing him to "download" new powers into his cybernetics at will. His bionics contained detailed genetic analysis files on all mutants known to Weapon X, and he could access these files to program his cybernetics to duplicate those mutants' powers to the best of his ability. This enabled him to increase his strength at will, access cryogenic blasting powers, techno-forming abilities, etc.

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