Friday, May 7, 2021




Real Name: Kim Il Sung
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #211, November 1986

Powers: The Scrambler was born with the mutant ability to generate a disruptive energy that alters the functional operations of any system he comes into physical contact with, whether electrical, mechanical, physiological, or genetic (superhuman abilities).

He can disable machinery with a touch, causing it to malfunction or shut down. His power can also disperse energy fields directly upon contact. When touching living beings, he can disrupt any form of energy moving through their system. By scrambling the x-factor (or other sources of transnormal energy), he can negate superhuman powers or cause them to rage violently out of the victim's control. He can also scramble someone's life energy directly, making them lose consciousness, experience paralysis, or simply die.

The Scrambler can use his mutant power to selectively disrupt particular powers while leaving other powers unaffected.

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