Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Craig Hollis
First Appearance: West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #46, July 1989

Powers: Mr. Immortal is reportedly a member of Homo Sapiens Supreme, a mutant sub-species where he is the only known example.

His mutant power is post-mortem regeneration. Though just as vulnerable to physical harm as any human, once his body dies, entropic forces begin to reverse themselves, repairing any injuries he's suffered and undoing all the damage caused by his death, bringing him back in perfect health. He has been shot, stabbed, drowned, blown up, drank toxic waste, been exposed to lethal radiation, fallen off a multiple story building, and even swallowed a grenade, yet he keeps coming back to life.

Craig is also immortal, and will not age at all as time passes. His body reverses individual cell death just as easily as total system shutdown, which has the side effect of preserving his body at its physical peak.

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