Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Names: Malcolm (full name unrevealed); Randall (full name unrevealed)
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #282, November 1991

Powers: Malcolm (right) has the mutant power to project psionic waves into his environment. These waves relay brain wave information to him, enabling him to detect the presence of humans in his vicinity. Although he cannot directly identify the presence of mutants, he can recognize someone as not "baseline human" if they fail to register on his scans.

Randall (left) has the mutant ability to absorb any form of radioactive particles into his body and then dissipate them harmlessly into the atmosphere.

Malcolm and Randall hail from Earth-1191 in an alternate future timeline roughly 100 years from now. In their timeline, they were members of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers), a mutant law enforcement agency inspired by the X-Men. As trained police officers skilled in tracking, they had many years of armed/unarmed combat training and were superb marksmen.

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