Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Pantu Hurageb
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Reaper's mutant power is to psionically project neuro-synaptic inhibitor waves to affect anyone within his immediate vicinity. These waves inhibit reaction time and slow the conscious thought processes of his victims, giving him an advantage over them. He used a scythe capable of mechanically amplifying his power, channeling it so that anyone struck by the scythe's blade would be totally paralyzed for a period of time afterwards.

As a member of the Mutant Liberation Front, Reaper suffered multiple injuries: Losing both hands in battle with Shatterstar and his lower leg to a rapidly closing teleportation portal courtesy of his teammate, Zero. All these amputated parts were replaced by cybernetic appendages. He briefly had one bionic hand replaced by a miniaturized scythe blade, but quickly discontinued use of this cybernetic part. While a member of Malibu's Exiles, Reaper made a deal with the Tradesmen on the Godwheel, who augmented his scythe so that his power was actually augmented when in the Ultraverse (Earth-93060), unlike most mutants and superhumans who lost half their power in that universe. Reaper's scythe was also able to absorb certain forms of energy and process them as a dimensional conduit to allow travel between the 616 Universe and the Ultraverse. He only had a finite power supply for this feature, however, and little knowledge on how to employ it.

After returning to 616 and being forced into service with Weapon X, Reaper was given new cybernetic hands that could morph into scythe blades to act as a conduit for his mutant power. His mutation also left him with pale white skin and black patches over his eyes.

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