Thursday, May 13, 2021




Real Name: Quintavius Quirinius Quire
First Appearance: New X-Men #134, January 2003

Powers: Quentin Quire developed into an omega-level mutant telepath/telekinetic, although it was a rather haphazard evolution. As an early mutant, Quentin possessed several non-assuming mental abilities. The Stepford Cuckoos described him as having a "see-through mind", indicating his thoughts were immune to detection or manipulation by other psionics. He demonstrated an immunity to Slick's psychic illusions, and was able to extend this immunity to others at will. He has advanced cognition, enabling him to formulate ten million brilliant thoughts per second, an indication of his superhuman intelligence. Quentin was capable of advanced parallel processing, focusing on numerous lines of thought simultaneously, while also demonstrating considerable recall and creativity.

Once he found his confidence and declared himself as Kid Omega (albeit after experimenting with the mutant enhancement drug called Kick), Quentin began demonstrating the full range of traditional telepathic abilities. He could read minds, communicate through psi-links, cast sensory illusions or trap people in illusory mental landscapes similar to the psionic Black Bug Room projections. Quentin also demonstrated superhuman charisma, using his telepathy to bolster his ability to attract and convince others of what he's saying, making them susceptible to his commands.

When his omega-level potential was revealed, Quentin evolved beyond his human body, becoming a loose collection of thoughts constantly interacting with the entire human race's subconscious. His flesh collapsed into a residual liquid state. On more than one occasion, Quentin showed the ability to return to flesh, reconstituting his human form to interact with the physical world for a time before reverting to his astral state. His enhanced potential was awakened in his human form now, allowing him to show powers of levitation and telekinesis for the first time. Kade Kilgore returned Quentin to the flesh for the final time, and Kid Omega has remained human instead of an Omega-level astral consciousness ever since. Whether he can still return to that form is unknown. Kid Omega retains both telepathic and telekinetic powers, as well as his super-intelligence. A combination of his intelligence and telepathy has allowed him to construct entire mental realities to contain people, a full-functional world programmed by his mind with physical laws, structures, semi-independent acting opponents, and so on. It was the equivalent of mentally running every aspect of an open-world MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) video game on psionic power alone. Quentin has also begun to specialize in create psychoplasmic weapons to contain and direct his powers. Instead of Psylocke's psychic knife, however, Quentin creates psychic shotguns or rocket launchers to shoot people with his mind, causing telepathic or telekinetic damage to his targets.

Quentin Quire has also gone against the Phoenix Force, identified as a potential future host and interacting with the present day Phoenix briefly. Depending on the amount he's tapping into the Phoenix Force at a given time, Quentin's powers could increase even further for feats such as space travel, faster-than-light travel, molecular manipulation, cosmic firebirds, and so on.

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