Friday, May 7, 2021




Real Name: Robbie
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #10, November 1986

Powers: Prism’s mutant powers lie in the nature of his physical form. His body is entirely comprised of a fragile, refractive crystalline substance, largely transparent to the naked eye. He can use his multi-faceted crystalline body to absorb ambient photon particles he comes into contact with, refracting it as light energy so blindingly intense that it can incapacitate onlookers.

Prism can also process both passive and active energy signatures, but only in the electromagnetic spectrum. Prism cannot redirect kinetic or psychokinetic assaults, however, leaving him highly vulnerable to those kind of attacks. Prism can use his body to refract, amplify, and redirect all forms of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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