Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Rex Randolph
First Appearance: Damage Control (Vol. 1) #1, May 1989

Powers: Rex Randolph was originally a baseline human possessing no superhuman powers. A fastidious construction worker, he discovered a glowing green sphere in a demolished warehouse. Ignoring his supervisor's warnings, Rex picked up the sphere and was transformed into a massively-muscled green-skinned giant.

Presumably, the source of his ability is the power to manipulate cosmic energy to alter reality. He can alter his size at will, telepathically communicate over immeasurable light years, survive space travel unaided, fly through hyperspace (usually becoming an energy ball when doing so), instantly reorganize impressive amounts of matter and it is presumed he can also perform other yet powers not yet displayed. His most frequently referenced ability his "cosmic anal retention". His attentiveness to and concern with matters of cleanliness, accuracy and detail have been magnified to the level of cosmic awareness, allowing his to predict disasters and create perpetual neatness.

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