Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Name: Josephine
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #28, May 1988

Powers: Infectia had the mutant ability to psionically scan and visualize the molecular structures of living things, including her own, and then rearrange their physical forms with a touch in any way she could imagine. She accomplished the latter by inducing genetic mutations on a molecular level. Her father was a geneticist and learning from him about genetics allowed her to better comprehend the nature of her mutant power. She primarily used her power to create henchmen that she called "Anti-Bodies".

Through physical contact, usually a kiss, Infectia would transform men into Hulk-sized monstrous-looking creatures of limited intelligence within seconds. These mutates tended to obey her every whim, though whether this was a facet of their transformation or a part of her natural charms is unknown. The Anti-Bodies demonstrated a number of individual super-powers such as strength, force blasts, amphibious traits, or size-changing. Whether Infectia was consciously choosing these powers for them or not is also unclear. Anti-Bodies had a limited lifespan, and their power would eventually eat them up from the inside-out, causing them to disintegrate. The process would be accelerated the more active they were. Infectia also used her powers once to make a bouquet of flowers grow considerably and stave off the effects of the Legacy Virus prior to her death.

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