Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Names: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #229, May 1988

Powers: (l to r) Pretty Boy, Bonebreaker, and Skullbuster were leaders of the original Reavers, criminal cyborgs operating in the Australian outback. All of them have had various cybernetic modifications performed on their bodies, but how they came to receive their original modifications (or even how they came together as a group) remains unknown.

Pretty Boy is a cybernetic organism whose body has been almost completely replaced by bionic systems. Initially, his nickname stemmed from his handsome apperance and the fact that pseudo-flesh covered all of his cybernetics, making him look human on the outside. After suffering serious injuries, though, he was rebuilt with only his head still looking human, and the rest of his body as an openly visible metallic chassis. Pretty Boy also has enhanced strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability, along with heightened vision and hearing. His arms are able to telescope to many times their original length, and after his rebuilding he has a "cable-trap" in his chest which pops open and ensnares his opponents at close range, immobilizing and crushing them. Pretty Boy can also reprogram the minds of other people, using cyber-filament wires which extend from his optic sensors into the eyes of his victims. These give him direct neural access to his victim's brain, allowing him to alter their memories, personality, inclination or violence, and so forth.

Bonebreaker underwent an operation which amputated his lower body, replacing it with a tank-like systems module with various offensive capabilities.

Skullbuster concealed his facial features behind a skull-like mask, so the full extent of his cybernetic enhancements remains unclear. Both men's physical attributes are bionically-augmented to enhanced human levels of strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability, along with heightened vision and hearing. The highly advanced level of cyborg, robotic, and computer technology implanted into their bodies also gives them infrared scanners and the ability to interface with computers, allowing direct data access to their brains’ memory centers. They also carry machine guns, explosive shells, plasma cannons, electrified nets, and rocket propulsion packs.

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