Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Name: Wade Wilson
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #98, February 1991

Powers: Wade Wilson was a highly-trained mercenary who was subjected to genetic enhancement at the hands of the Weapon X Program, as they grafted a bottled variation of Wolverine's healing factor onto his cells. The end result left him permanently scarred, but superhumanly powered. Deadpool's strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes have all been heightened to above human limits. His healing factor is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than an ordinary human. It has proven capable of curing cancer, enables him to completely regenerate missing digits or limbs in a matter of hours, and even makes having his brain blown out the back of his skull only a temporary problem. It also provides him with protection from all forms of diseases, poisons, drugs, and extends his lifespan.

The speed at which his power functions is directly proportionate to an injury's severity and partially affected by Deadpool's mental state. It functions most efficiently when he is awake, alert, and in a positive mood.The healing factor is tied into his mind in a manner different from Wolverine, giving it a "mental" aspect which allows Deadpool to accelerate his regeneration even further by focusing on the process. Besides his natural healing powers, he was once cursed by Thanos to forever remain outside the realm of Death, and as a result has regenerated even after being reduced to protoplasm. Due to repeated brain injuries throughout his career, Deadpool's brain regenerates brain cells at such a hyper-accelerated rate that his memories and sanity suffer regular damage. For a time, his mind was mingled with the mutant known as Cable which allowed him to access the latter's bodysliding technology without the use of machinery.

Deadpool is an extraordinary athlete and hand-to-hand combatant skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master assassin, an excellent marksman, and an accomplished user of bladed weapons. He is fluent in Spanish, Japanese, German, among other languages. He frequently employs handguns, grenades, swords, and other weapons in combat, personal teleportation belt and a holographic image inducer as well.

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