Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Names: Unknown (Nanny); Peter (Orphan Maker)
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #30, July 1988

Powers: Nanny was a cyborg telepath. As a mutant, she possessed very limited telepathic abilities. On their own, she seemed capable of using her powers for little more than defense from other psionic attacks or detection. She carried a supply of will-sapping chemical "pixie-dust" which made people more pliant to her mental commands. After a burst of pixie-dust, she could place people in an easily-controlled trance, cause them to perceive her as a comforting parent or caregiver, and warp their emotions to make them dependent on her. When used against adults, she often reduced them mentally to childhood before manipulating them.

Nanny's cyborg body was designed by her when she was a scientist for the anti-mutant organization known as the Right, and they forcibly grafted her into it after she uncovered their true anti-mutant purpose and revealed her mutant nature. However, being trapped in the suit made her insane. The egg-shaped suit gave her enhanced strength and durability, a rocket-propulsion backpack for flight (with a peak velocity below 760 miles per hour), a repulsor field to repel attackers, and integrated weapons like hunter-seeker missiles. It also houses energy blasters, teleportation technology, mutant detection scanners, and holographic image projectors. She may have some knowledge of biology, having designed technology to physically de-age others. She sometimes carries blaster weapons and a small lance capable of electric shock. Nanny’s various flight ships, controlled via her armor’s cybernetics, have included extendable landing legs and grappling arms, advanced computer and tracking systems, a drop-down ladder, holographic projectors, de-aging technology, S.H.I.E.L.D. surplus Life Model Decoys, a smaller decoy ship, self-destruct systems, an armory, and suspended animation chambers.

The Orphan-Maker is either a child or a grown man reduced to childhood mentally like Nanny's other charges. Although he is allegedly a very powerful mutant, he has never demonstrated any mutant abilities, and is always wrapped inside his fully-covering body armor. The suit gives him superhuman strength and resistance to physical injury. It is specially ray-shielded to refract Cyclops's optic blasts and other energy attacks. He often uses jet boots and a variety of hand-held firearms. His second armor was larger and contained bio-mechanical components, allowing him to "grow" weapons out of the armor and onto his forearms.

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