Tuesday, May 4, 2021




Real Name: Martin Preston
First Appearance: Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #4, January 1986

Powers: Martin Preston was a rich and successful Hollywood actor who lost his right arm in a drunken car accident. The demon lord Mephisto was alerted to Preston’s screams of agony and offered to restore Preston’s arm in exchange for his soul. In agreement, Mephisto summoned a lesser demon, wrenched off its arm, and magically attached it to Preston’s shoulder stump. Preston lost consciousness during the process and was insensate when Mephisto severed his uninsured left arm and replaced it with a demon’s arm as well. As Master Pandemonium, his body is a living "abode for demons".

Pandemonium could summon any and all of these demons at will, causing them to detach from his body, carrying out his will while leaving him missing arms or legs until the demons rejoined with him. While his limbs were in place, Master Pandemonium possessed the same supernatural strength (Class 10) as his demonic counterparts did when separated from him.

His missing soul was manifested as a hole on his stomach in the shape of an inverted pentagram. Someone's fist or any other physical attack would pass right through this hole, and it could also be used as a gateway to summon an endless horde of demons called the Rakasha, in addition to Pandemonium's main four demonic servants. He can also levitate, project concussive blasts or streams of mystical flame from his mouth, and absorb heat and flame to make him virtually immune to such attacks. With the Amulet of Azmodeus, he was also capable of summoning a bird-like demon of the same name as his familiar, and of teleporting himself and others.

Martin Preston is a talented actor with knowledge of demon lore and certain rites of magic.

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