Sunday, May 2, 2021




Real Name: Sharon Ventura
First Appearance: Thing (Vol. 1) #27, September 1985 (as Sharon Ventura); Thing (Vol. 1) #35, May 1986 (as Ms. Marvel II);  Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #310 January 1988 (as She-Thing)

Powers: Sharon Ventura underwent the Power Broker process, undergoing hallucinogenic radiation treatment which left her Class 25 superhuman strength and enhanced endurance, reflexes and durability as well. Passing through a cosmic radiation storm further mutated her to an orange, rock-like hide like the Thing, one might assume by transferring some of the specific cosmic rays in Ben Grimm's system, who was with her at the time. She initially assumed the Thing's original orange hide, like lumpy oatmeal but thick like dinosaur scales. Later, her system settled into the more classic uneven orange rocks Grimm is known for, including four fingers on each hand, including thumb; four toes on each foot, no outer ear structure.

This transformation increased her superhuman strength level up to Class 100, and dramatically increased her resistance to pain and injury as well. She later grew tired of her monstrous appearance and submitted herself to Dr. Doom for testing, and he reverted her back to her previous human form and Class 15 strength. After she refused to return the favor to him a few months later and betray her Fantastic Four teammates, Doom activated a genetic fail-safe in her body which caused her to mutate uncontrollably. Sharon's strength and durability increased dramatically, but fluctuated constantly along with her appearance and mental state. Her facial features distorted considerably, her arms increased in length, her skin turned shades of green and olive, etc. Recently, her mental state seems to have returned to normal, and she has resumed her She-Thing appearance and strength.

Sharon Ventura is a highly proficient hand-to-hand combatant, skilled in various forms of martial arts, including Tae Kwon Do and American Boxing. She is also a skilled gymnast, an expert stunt-woman, scuba diver, skydiver, motorcyclist, mountain climber, skier, lion-tamer, and wrestler.

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