Tuesday, May 18, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #235, October 1988

Powers: Hawkshaw’s mutant power is that he possessed certain undefined psionic senses. He is capable of sensing people through their proximity, detecting whenever people entered a certain radius around his person. This power is moderately sensitive to the mental activity of these people: He can't read thoughts, but he can recognize if these people in his vicinity were awake or asleep. He can recognize mutants by their presence, and sense familiar ones he encountered. His ability extends to detecting humans and animals even across continents. His senses may have had an electromagnetic basis, since Roma's spell of electronic invisibility over the outback era X-Men made them undetectable to his special senses.

Hawkshaw was a member of the Genoshan Magistrates, law enforcement officers trained in hand-to-hand combat with access to a vast amount of advanced weaponry and equipment. He was the leader of an elite group of Magistrates known as the Genoshan Press Gang, mutants who voluntarily chose to serve the Genoshan government, and so avoided undergoing the Mutate Bonding Process which would turn them into mindless slaves.

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