Friday, May 7, 2021




Real Name: Autumn Rolfson
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #12, December 1986

Powers: Famine possesses the mutant ability to induce decay and atrophy in most forms of organic matter. Her power is a two-fold ability:

She can use it to disintegrate food, cause crops to wither and die, and break down large organic materials such as a wooden wall by reducing it to a state that is too aged and corroded to maintain its integrity.

She can also use her mutant power to create what she refers to as a “starvation blight”. Using this specialized form of her power, Famine can manipulate a person’s metabolism to deplete them of their fat cells, turning the victim into a withered, dangerously thin, starving husk. This emaciation effect is debilitating to opponents, making them physically weak and distracted by overwhelming hunger for food. This effect could be reversed by distancing oneself from Famine or consuming a large quantity of food soon after.

Autumn Rolfson suffered from anorexia nervosa, a mental condition that caused her to develop a systemic aversion to eating, deathly afraid of gaining weight, and feeling she was already morbidly obese when, in fact, she was severly malnourished.

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