Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: DeMarr Davis
First Appearance: West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #46, July 1989

Powers: Doorman's mutant body acts as a portal interfacing with Darkforce Dimension. When active, his power causes anything that touches him to be displaced on contact and reappear on the other side of his body. This selective intangibility doesn't allow him walk through walls, but it does make any solid attack or projectile incapable of harming him. By pressing his body up against a solid surface, Doorman can conduct his power's effect through the surface, transporting matter through his body and the surface he's touching to the other side of both of them. His power makes him a "living door": By standing against the outer wall of a building, he can let other people walk through him to enter that building. The overall width of the wall or surface he's standing against doesn't seem to be a factor. He can use his power creatively, such as placing his hand over the helmet of an armored man, so that he or one of his teammates can punch that opponent straight through the helmet and in their unprotected face.

Doorman is capable of flight to some degree, though apparently this is only a very slow gliding effect. The exact nature of his power remains unclear, and certain freak occurrences have caused teleportation or time travel effects when people enter his body when he's not standing against a wall.

Having been chosen by Oblivion to be his emissary, Doorman now serves as an embodiment of death. Oblivion's previous servant, Deathurge, could ferry souls into the afterlife, physically interacting with their spirits to carry them into whatever lies beyond. He could become intangible in order to pass through solid objects or barriers in his path. Deathurge could also draw forth ebon energy constructs from his body, summoning simple melee weapons for combat. He has used a bow and arrows, sword, spear, trident, and various other constructs in the past. He could also fly by drawing out a set of skis and attaching them to his feet, propelling through the air at least at a few hundred miles per hour. Deathurge's chief area of expertise was suicide, and he could sense the "death-urge" within other living beings, as if they were "calling out" to him. The death-urge itself could protect him from harm, making Deathurge virtually immune to any assault leveled against him by someone with suicidal feelings. Deathurge could also use his ebon weapons to facilitate someone's suicidal wishes: by striking his intended target with one of his weapons, Deathurge tagged them with an all-consuming blackness that would spread out from the point of contact, killing his target once they were completely enveloped. If someone other than his suicidal target made contact with the ebon weapon, the construct would pass through them harmlessly, but give them a chill, like someone walking over a grave. So far, Doorman has only demonstrated the skis and ferrying ability, so exactly how much of Deathurge's power he possesses is unclear.

DeMarr Davis has uncompleted graduate studies, hand-to-hand combat training, and is an experienced card player.

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