Sunday, May 16, 2021




Real Name: Colin McKay
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 1) #2, November 1988 (As Colin); Excalibur (Vol. 1) #42, October 1991 (As Kylun)

Powers: Colin McKay was a 7-year-old Scottish mutant child who was transported by the robotic Widget to an alternate Earth named Ee’rath (Earth-148). Raised in an exiled royal household to be a warrior, he became known as “Kylun” in the 20 years that passed. Time moved faster on Ee’rath than on Earth and, as he grew older, his mutation also fully manifested.

Kylun’s mutant physiology grants him feline facial features, cat-like eyes that allow him night vision, and a full body covering of light brown fur that provides a slight resistance to cold temperatures.

His mutant power is the ability to retain any sounds he hears within his memory and then duplicate them by modifying the sounds produced by his vocal chords. He apparently cannot change the tone, pitch, or volume of the stimulus, simply reproducing sounds exactly as he hears them. There is no audible difference between the actual sounds and those Kylun produces, so voice scans do not detect any abnormalities.

An exceptionally skilled swordsman, the swords he carries are actually a pair of mystical swords and a dagger forged by Zz'ria. The blades are capable of dispersing magical energy on contact, making them highly effective at breaching the defenses of magical foes, destroying psychic projections, and disabling familiars or other entities animated by magic. The blades have an enchantment that protects those who are good of heart, so that their cutting edge passes intangibly through any opponent who is not evil. The flat of the blade is unaffected by this enchantment.

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