Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Charles Little Sky
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #304, June 1989 (as Little Sky); Darkhawk (Vol. 1) #5, July 1991 (as Portal)

Powers: Portal is a mutant born with the power to open rifts in space passing through extra-dimensional realms. His portals allow instantaneous travel between different vibrationally-attuned planes of reality. Opening a portal without preparation will give him access to another dimension completely at random. He seems to possess an innate ability to pinpoint dimensions he has previously visited. This ability allows him to record the space/time coordinates of a dimension while he is present in it, so that he could return to it again in the future if he chooses. Originally, he couldn't automatically return to Earth because he hadn't consciously "marked" it before leaving. Portal is capable of using his powers for teleportation, traveling instantly across about a few miles within a single dimension. Attempting to transport himself more than a few miles in one jump, however, will destabilize the portal and send him off into another dimension, even if he is currently anchored in one.

Besides his mutant powers, Portal wore a Darkhawk armor taken off of a former wearer who tried to kill him. It and other bits of scavenged armor protected him from harm and enabled him to operate in the vacuum of space. His primary weapon was a massive cannon capable of firing energy harpoons. He carried a secondary blaster tethered to his waist by a power cord, which could fire energy bolts or a fast-hardening layer of slime that covered his target and immobilized them. Portal also carried sleep gas capsules, a laser knife, a vibra-pod that emits shattering pulsations, a Veluvian lariat, degrav pods to levitate objects by neutralizing gravity, a "powerjack" that generates an electromagnetic discharge when striking a target, high-tensile strength Berldundian wire, and a Klengari throwing disc called "The Wheel" which split into smaller fragments at close proximity to its target, surrounding them and unleashing a destructive barrage of energy from all sides.

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