Friday, May 7, 2021




Real Name: Alice MacAllister
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #210, October 1986

Powers: Malice is a mutant astral entity who only exists in a spirit form. She can possess the bodies of other people by entering them physically, using their negative emotions as a conduit and then feeding on them to cement her hold on the victim. Malice then uses them as a host, speaking through them and using their body as if it were her own.

Malice has complete access to her host's memories, experiences, powers, and knowledge. For a time, she was fused with the body and essence of Lorna Dane (Polaris) due to her energy matrix’s prolonged interaction with Dane’s magnetic powers. Though she could still possess others, Dane's body was her permanent host. When the Savage Land priestess Zaladane transferred Polaris’ powers into herself, this expunged Malice essence from Polaris. Over time, Malice has expanded her powers to include digital and cybernetic consciousnesses as well. Malice cannot control people who are already under mental sway. A handful of exceptionally strong willed persons can withstand her attempts at domination.

The choker that appears around her victim's neck is a physical representation of her presence, a tangible psychoplasmic projection. It can be ripped from her victim's throat to symbolize removing Malice's influence over their minds.

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