Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Members: Auteur, Dreamer, Snap, Stat, Attractive Lad, Glamour Girl, Visionary, and Buff

First Appearance: Wonder Man (Vol. 1) #11, July 1992 (As a group)

Powers & History: The Crazy Eight were friends and acquaintances of Simon Williams (aka Wonder Man) who he met while pursuing an acting career in Los Angeles. They were bombarded by ionic energy unleashed by Wonder Man when his powers raged out of control. This bombardment altered each of them on a cellular level, causing them to gain ionic-based superhuman powers of their own as a result.

Auteur (Alex Flores) was a screenwriter capable of producing mental images, visualizing people or other objects and then projecting translucent, three-dimensional lifelike representations of them to deceive other people into thinking they looked and sounded as though they were real.

Dreamer (Jamie Noynik) is Auteur’s daughter. She became able to project her "astral form" while unconscious. Though similar to a real astral projection, Dreamer's power was actually more of an electromagnetic transmission of her psyche. She could fly and pass intangibly through solid objects in this state, but unlike an astral form, she was plainly visible to anyone who saw her. Additionally, she was capable of interacting with solid matter, lifting and carrying small objects providing she could maintain her concentration, and she could home in on specific people when dreaming to lead her dream self to them. In one case, it seemed she was even capable of projecting her dream self into another dimension to find the displaced Spider and Ginger, and then transported them back to their home dimension at will, but the reality of that event was later called into question. When awakened, her projected self instantly returned to her body and did not need to physically travel back to it.

Snap (Ginger Beach) was an actress who could set off small concussion bursts with her hands, creating them within her line of sight.

Stat (Esteban “Spider” Beach) is Snap’s younger brother. He was capable of generating electromagnetic clones of himself, pseudo-matter constructs that acted as an extension of his consciousness. Stat was capable of producing at least six copies of himself at once, and directing their actions mentally. His cloning power could be extended to anything he was in contact with, replicating his clothing, glasses, skateboard, etc along with his body. He could summon them into existence right next to him, or up to ten feet away. Though they had no real material substance, and would disappear instantly when he willed them to, they were connected to him psychosomatically and Stat would feel sympathetic pains when his clones were injured or killed.

Attractive Lad (Aundray Phelps) was a dancer who gained magnetic abilities, allowing him to produce attractive or repulsive electromagnetic fields to deflect bullets or other metal projectiles, draw metallic objects towards him, and fly by drawing himself upwards, alongside, or towards stationary metal structures.

Glamour Girl (Gloria Angel) was an elderly former actress and apartment landlord who became a time-jumper, able to physically transport herself or other people through time, but not space. She proved capable of transporting at least four decades distance with her power. Gloria used this ability to avoid attacks, alter future events by observing them and then returning to a previous time period to affect changes, and trap her opponents inside a temporal distortion effect that sent them constantly shifting between different points in time, effectively nullifying their threat.

Visionary (Argus LoVecchio) was a filmmaker who developed ionically-enhanced optic nerves, giving him access to telescopic and x-ray vision, allowing him to see over long distances and through solid objects. His powers allowed him to discern between reality and Auteur’s images.

Buff (Lahoya Scripps) was a physique-conscious actress who gained superhuman strength, agility, and leaping powers.

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